Gan Chabad Options & Tuition:
Infant Bayit
Class ages 12 months- 18 months
Toddler Nitzanim
Class ages 18 months- 2.5 years old
Nursery Perachim
Class ages 2.5- 4 years old
Gan Chabad is located at 147 Overbrook Place
in the Beth Jacob Synagogue near CHAT High School
2022: A 25% fee reduction
(retroactive to April 1, 2022)
2023: A 52.75% fee reduction
2024: A 52.75% fee reduction
2025: $22/Day
Infant Bayit Program
Toddler Nitzanim Class
Preschool Perachim Class
Gan Chabad Preschool is open Monday- Friday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm, 12 months a year with the exception of Stat Holidays & Jewish holidays. We are open during the intermediate days of Sukkot and Passover.
Please note Friday closing times due to Shabbat:
September 6:00 pm closing
October-March 3:30 pm closing
April-August 6:00 pm closing
Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Funding System
The Gan Chabad Preschool application to join the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) funding system has been approved. Our team has been working diligently to ensure that we can continue to provide the high level of service to our families while making early childhood education more affordable to our community.
The implementation of the CWELCC System is a five-year plan which includes improving affordability, enhancing quality, increasing childcare access, supporting inclusion, and supporting data reporting. The Province of Ontario has committed to implementing a system in stages:
• 2022: A fee reduction of 25% retroactive to April 1, 2022
• 2023: A 52.75% fee reduction
• 2024: A 52.75% fee reduction
• 2025: $22/day
We understand that this time of transition is challenging for centres, staff, and families. We appreciate all the patience and support as the program continues to roll out. This is an exciting time for families of young children in Ontario, and we are very happy that Gan Chabad is a part of it!
Gan Chabad is designed to foster a sense of community and belonging. We achieve this by establishing long-term relationships with families who entrust us with their children's care from infancy through pre-kindergarten.
To register your child to Gan Chabad Preschool please fill out the online application form and submit the *deposit. Please understand that your child is not accepted until you receive email confirmation from our admin team. Your deposit will be processed upon acceptance.
*Non-refundable Deposit is the amount of $469.33. The deposit will be credited as payment for the last month's tuition payment.
The full tuition fee is to be submitted before the first day of school.
Tuition can be paid in a single payment or in monthly installments by Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) or credit card payments. There will be a 3.5% processing fee applied to each credit card payment.
Please note that there are no tuition credits or make up days for illness, holidays or family vacations. A requested leave of absence (for any reason) will not hold your child’s spot, unless you continue to pay the regular full tuition.
Should there be a short-term unplanned disruption of service causing classroom or school-wide closure at any time for up to 14 days, families will be required to meet their financial commitment. In the event of an unforeseen long-term closure (more than 14 days) tuition payments will be put on hold. Deposit and any prepaid tuition will go as a credit for when the preschool re-opens.
Withdrawal Policy:
A two-month notice in writing is required if it becomes necessary to withdraw your child from the preschool. The admission deposit paid upon registration will be applied towards the last months' fees. If parents fail to give at least 60 days notice the deposit will not be applied to the child's last months at school. Notice must be given before the first of the month that the 60 day period begins. For example, if notice is given on Dec. 7, the months of Jan. and Feb. will be considered the 60 day period. Payment will not be prorated. The deposit is non-refundable.
Withdrawal notice must be given in writing.
Child Care Receipts:
You will receive a Child Care Receipt at the end of each tax year in which you made payments.